Celebrate the Arts! Juried Invitational | CALL to ARTISTS
- March 13
- 4:00 PM
- Weaver Lobby Gallery and McIlrath Landing Gallery
The Pearson Lakes Art Center is pleased to announce a call for artists.
The application can be found here.
Deadlines for entries: March 13.
Artists will be notified of selected works by April 1.
Deliver works to the PLAC by April 17, for exhibition install.
Consider submitting your work for possible selection in this exhibit!
The Celebrate the Arts! Juried Exhibition will be on view April through June, with the exhibit closing the night of our Celebrate the Arts! Gala with an art silent auction. Our recurring theme for this year has been "refresh" and "growth", featuring botanical and floral content in this fundraiser and surrounding programming. We invite you to use this as inspiration for your submissions, however it may mean to you. A digital catalog will be created and made available through our website and social media.
Online bidding will begin as we near the June 5 event. The final bid is split 50% with the artist and a portion of sales from this silent auction will go directly to our Collections Fund, allowing for the conservation and growth of the art center collection, including the possibility of a purchase coming directly from this exhibit.
Please return the form and submit images of your work. Email to visual@lakesart.org, with each image title labeled as follows: ArtistLastName_ArtworkTitle.jpg Submit up to three works for consideration.