The Joy of Bringing Portraits to Life

Members: $255
Non-Members: $285
August 05 — August 07
9:00 AM — 3:00 PM
John F & Karen Goodenow Classroom

The Joy of Bringing Portraits to Life

** Attention**  Please call 712-332-7013 to register.

The Joy of Bringing Portraits to Life With Telagio Baptista

August 5-7 | $255/$285 | 9 am-12 pm & 1-3 pm with Lunch break

Level: All Levels, 16 years+ | Deadline to Register: July 29

Available for Teacher Recertification/ 1 Graduate Credit

Join instructor Telagio Baptista in this 3-day no-fear watercolor workshop where you will learn how to blend facial features of portraits and pets, including hair, eyes, and mouth. Participants will observe essential details of light and shadow, soften or harden edges, establish clothing detail, and tips on how to compliment the subject with a background. This workshop is available for 1 teacher recertification or graduate credit and is open to all skill levels. Multiple
photo references are encouraged. Each participant will receive a 22”x 30” 140lb cold press arches watercolor paper and a piece of Richeson Transfer paper with the purchase of the class.

Click HERE for the class supply list.